Tuesday, June 30, 2009
7 weeks in
I am 7 weeks into my hair journey.
So far it has been exhilarating, frustrating and exciting. It helps that my best friend is embarking with me {though she is natural}, because I have someone to talk to and help me through my set backs.
I have always had a decent length to my hair but for the past few years, have noticed thinning and major breakage. I wish I could say, seven weeks in, that I've seen incredible progress. But I haven't.
Length is not my goal right now. I'm just hoping to obtain health and that the length will automatically follow. I'm definitely seeing the added moisture now that I've been deep conditioning regularly. I also may not be able to see much progress because I had a minor {major} set back last week that left me a little disillusioned about this whole process.
I realize that patience and diligence play a major role in this process and that goals aren't obtained overnight.
Next week will be my 8th week since my last relaxer {texlax} and I'm trying to decide the best time to texlax again. I've always {though inadvertently} stretched my relaxers as I'm both lazy and cheap! My last relaxer stretch was my longest at 4 months.
Now that I am conditioning my new growth, I believe that I will be able to stretch much longer without the breakage and tangling I experienced on my last {inadvertent} stretch.
I'll have to play this one by ear. I'll be on the search for a new relaxer as well. I would love to just apply a texturizer, but I'm not sure what the effects would be since parts of my hair are fully relaxed and also texlaxed.
That's the thing with this hair journey. I don't think I will ever get there. There is always going to be something new to discover. Some new product to try. Some setback that will need resolution.
It's exhilarating, frustrating and exciting.
Hair Today
Last night I decided to do a bantu knot out. After watching so many youtube videos yesterday, I wanted some curls without using heat or rollers.
So tomorrow, I plan to deep condition using the Elasta QP DPR-11 and EVOO mixture. My hair craves moisture and as easy as it is for me to go a full week between deep conditioning, I have to give my hair what it needs at this crucial time. I think deep conditioning twice a week to start will allow my hair to thrive at a time when it’s been so unhealthy.
I’m still looking for a really good leave-in. I have recently discovered Elasta QP H Two leave-in. On my next trip, I may purchase this. For now, I’m using Infusium 23 leave-in and I have no complaints so far.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Aussie Deeeeep 3 Minute Miracle

Friday, June 26, 2009
Rookie Mistake
So I made a huge rookie mistake. And I probably would have never figured it out were it not for my best friend stepping in and knocking some sense into my head.
I overloaded on protein. Yes, protein is a permed woman's friend, but only in moderation. Protein is like one of those friends who you love when you haven't seen in ages. But if they are around constantly, they get on your nerves! I know I'm not the only one with a friend like that.
Anyway, my hair was brittle. So fragile. If the wind blew too hard my hair was breaking off. I've probably done a lot of damage and it will take some time to correct, but I'm glad I realized my error early enough.
What was my error, you ask? I was co-washing with several cheapy conditioners, all of which were light protein conditioners. Me, being oblivious to this fact, notices my breaking hair and assumes that breakage means my hair is weak so it must need strength. Intro my deep protein conditioner. So I've been doing that all week, only doing daily moisturizing and sealing, thinking I would do the deep conditioner on the weekend as I normally do.
My hair was really bad. So yesterday, I had to stop by the beauty supply store and grab me something to fix my problem. I grabbed this:

Elasta DPR-11. It cost about $7, but the way my hair was, it was more than worth it to find something that would breathe some life back into my hair. I'd previously heard very good things about this product and wanted to give it a try. I had been previously using Dr. Miracles Tingling Scalp deep conditioner. That worked great, but I knew I needed something heavy duty to combat my thirsty strands. Most reviews that I read, people added EVOO, honey, or other things to up the power of this deep conditioner. I would have added EVOO but we were out and I didn't add honey because I was in a rush to get it on my hair. So I used it by itself.
The consistency is thick and has a mild fragrance that I found very pleasant. I needed something thick so this worked perfectly. I sectioned my hair into four areas and applied pretty liberally from root to tip, really focusing on my ends and the middle of my strands. I covered with a plastic cap and then wrapped it in a scarf to keep the heat in since I don't have a hooded dryer. I let it sit on for about 2 1/2 hours while I bathed the girls and read a book.
I showered and rinsed and I could immediately feel a difference. My hair felt moisturized and soft and immediately nourished. As I finger combed my hair, I did notice a lot of breakage, but I'm attributing it to the damage that was already done.
This morning, my hair is very moisturized and it looks a lot healthier than it did yesterday. I know the process will be a little longer for me to get my hair into shape but I'm in it for the long haul. My little set back had me thinking of quitting, but again my best friend stepped in and told me to keep going.
So my plan of action as is follows:
- Deep condition 2x a week with Elasta QP DPR-11
- Absolutely no ponytails
- Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize
- Low manipulation hair styles {I'm still working on a non pony low manip style}
So this morning, with those rules in mind, I threw my pony tail holder to the side and did a style that required no tight pulling of my hair and also protects my ends at the same time. I forget where I saw this style, but basically you moisturize your ends very well, fold your pony {without the holder} over, tucking the ends inside and pull the two sides over your ends and then clip. I'm pretty sure that explanation was confusing, I'll search for the inspiration to this style. I'm loving it as my hair is off my shoulders and my ends are protected. Even better, no pony tail holder breaking my hair!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I'm frustrated.
My hair is acting up. It's shriveled. It's breaking off. It's tangling. It's knoting up. It's dead. And I have no idea how to revive it.
I'm going to cut my hair, probably to shoulder length and start over.
Maybe I'm in over my head with caring for my own hair. Maybe my knowledge base isn't deep enough yet.
I haven't figured out what I'm doing to make my hair hate me this way, but hopefully I can fix whatever the issue is.
My hair is super finickey right now.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Leave In

I know I'm really late on this, but I am amazed!
Using a RINSE OUT conditioner as a LEAVE in conditioner! I tried it last night and it is truly and genuinely, incredible.
This morning, my hair is soft and bouncy and not to mention it smells wonderful! I applied a cheapo conditioner {VO5 Moisture Milk - on sale at CVS for $0.77!} to dry hair and worked through with some squirts of water. I paid close attention to my new growth because I had previously done a rod set on my hair and it was sooooo tangled. Single strand knots galore and other large knots that basically ripped my hair straight out.
Anyway, after I applied the VO5, I rinsed it out in the shower and applied Garnier Fructis Moisture Works and let that sit while I preformed my other showerly duties. I rinsed it out and wrapped my hair in a t-shirt {to draw out the water without the roughness of a towel} and applied a pretty liberal amount of the Garnier Fructis Moisture Works all over my hair, from root to tip.This morning, despite the fact that my hair didn't even attempt to dry overnight, my hair has body, is moisturized and very soft. I did a twist out and the definition of the twists is incredible!
So, from now on, I will be leaving rinse out conditioner in!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Making Sense of it All
I've never been one who is good at handling life when life happens. I'm analytical. I have to analyze everything. I have to make sense of things before I can even begin to deal with anything.
This past weekend in my life has been one of the most jarring and most life altering weekends in my life. I've learned how valuable life is and how much I need to protect the things closest to me. I think I've led a pretty sheltered life. And that's the life I want to give my daughters.
I want them to learn lessons, but I don't want them to be exposed to this world and all the evil that lays in wait for them.
I am grateful that things weren't worse. And in turn, I have motivation to make things different. To challenge things that I can't live with rather than staying quiet and suffering silently.
That is what life does. It changes you and shapes you. As I grow older, I feel so much wiser than I did even a short year ago.
I can't say that I enjoyed every step of the way, but I did learn so much on my journey so far.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I am full of them.
I used to work well under pressure. When it was down to the wire. When I had to produce or else.
That doesn't work so well for me now. Things begin to crumble around me due to my procrastination and inability to DO instead of thinking about doing. Not literally, mind you. I have been maintaining and keeping things in order in my life. But my head --my mental that is-- is in shambles.
One side of my brain is thinking about this grad school application that I need to finish --I'm a writer--so why is the essay so hard for me to complete? And this so-called novel? Will I ever type those two sweet words --the end?
When it comes to me and the things I want to do, I tend to have an extremely hard time getting done. My mind clouds up and seizes like an epileptic.
I'm not quite sure how to pull myself out of this rut that I'm in when it comes to chasing my dreams. Hopefully I'll figure it out.
I've given myself until September 1 for both things -- application {only because it's due on that date!} and novel {first draft}
Wish me luck.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Flat Hair
All I have to say about this stuff is that it is AMAZING. After I did my deep protein condition and my deep moisturizing condition, I added this and man, my hair felt like SILK. I even used it on my daughter this morning and her hair was shining and laying down and obeying for once! This will most likely be my new staple. It cost me $4.49, but I think my local beauty suppy store is a tab bit expensive, so I know I can probably find it elsewhere for a little less.

Well, my hair turned out fabulous. The curls are soft, bouncy and tight. I know that over the next few days, they will fall beautifully. I almost can't wait to see what they look like tomorrow.
Now I have to go back and get some more cold rods so that I can try this all over my head and not just in my pony tail.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Never Ending Hair Care

It's no wonder that I was clueless. I never educated myself on hair care. On what my hair needed to thrive. I have done a number to my hair since moving to Philly. I'm a little salon shy and going to get my hair done here was very daunting to me. In NC it was easy. I had about three places to pick from. Here, the options are endless and I was scared. What if I picked a bad place. A dirty place. An exorbitantly expensive place.
Picking a salon has always been a task that I'd rather avoid. I still have yet to go get my hair done professionally here in Philly and I am now armed with a list of recommendations from people who get their hair done on the regular.

The difference between now and then is that I know the steps to take to care for my hair.
Last night, my hair was begging to be washed. And I obliged. I bought a new clarifying shampoo, that I desperately needed. Clarifying is incredible. My hair felt so clean. I had been co-washing for the past 3 weeks {since my texlax} and my hair was very moisturized but there was too much built up product. I did a bantu knot out, but my hair didnt dry, so I pulled it back into a pony and let the rest air dry {the pic above}.
I'm learning as I go. Things such as how much product to use. Less is definitely more. And that my hair craves protein. I didn't do a protein deep conditioner last night and I could feel the difference. I'm back on the protein next week.
Hair is difficult. I can't lie. The thing with the hair care journey, is that I have to find what works for my hair and stick with it. I'm more than confident that I will see progress.