Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Addicted to Washing
I love washing my hair.
I used to HATE washing my hair. It was a chore and I dreaded the wash days. To be honest, I didn't wash my hair much. I was taught that you should only wash your hair 2-3 times per month. To wash it more than that was to strip it of it's natural {yeah right!} moisture and the hair would experience breakage and dryness. SO FALSE! I wish I had known.
Black women and hair is such a touchy subject. Everyone has a different opinion. For years I thought I was doing right by my hair, by not washing it often, keeping it bone straight with relaxers, piling on products day after day and wrapping it one way {to the left} every single night.
My hair revolted. But it is thanking me now.
I washed last night, after putting it off all weekend and my hair sighed happily as the protein strengthened it and then the deep conditioner added much needed moisture. I slept in bantu knots, hoping that it dry by morning. It didn't, but I just threw it back into a bun. The beauty of washing and air drying my hair is that, it's no biggie if it doesn't dry or gets wet in the rain. I love that.
So now, I have clean, moisturized hair. My next mission is to figure out how to wear my hair straight and down without using heat. The research never ends.
Friday, May 22, 2009

And finally, this pink flower from Forever 21 {2.80} is an understated way to spruce up a bun. I love this and it screams summer!

I don't wear much in my hair by way of accessories, but these things have gotten me rethinking that. Summer is coming up and I'll be wearing protective styles to retain length and moisture. Buns can get boring, but with a few accessories, I can change up my look and keep it interesting.
My need for Protein
I had a revelation last night. It shouldn't have been a revelation. It should have been extremely obvious to me, but it wasn't.
My hair is weak. And I'm losing a lot of it every time I comb, run my fingers through it or when the wind blows it too hard. My comb had an embarrassing amount of hair in it last night. I thought it may be shedding, but I believe it's breakage.
Years of relaxers and not enough moisture, has left my hair thirsty and tired. It can't even hold up to the stress of being detangled.
So, in order to fix this problem, I've decided to incorporate a weekly deep protein conditioner to my regimen. I have Organics Hair Mayonnaise by Africa's Best :
I used this before and after my texlax, but I think that my hair is so protein deficient, that it may need it on a weekly basis for awhile.
My plan is to apply this to my dry hair and either sleep overnight with it { just to make sure that I reap the full benefits of it} and then cowash it out and follow up with Dr. Miracle's Tingling Deep Conditioner for 60 minutes with heat.
I read an article recently that really helped me understand the balance between protein and moisture. I feel a little more knowledgeable about what my hair will do and feel like when it needs one or the other {or both}. The article was very helpful, so as I learn, I'm determined to share the knowledge.
Here's the link to the article - http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/278612/the_fine_art_of_protein_and_moisture.html?cat=69
Taking care of hair is definitely a fine art.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What in the world is a texlax?
I had never heard of texlaxing until my best friend, in her research, stumbled upon it and passed the info on to me.
Texlaxing is basically under processing your hair while doing a chemical treatment {aka: perm or relaxer}.
What's the point? Well, the point is that you don't take your hair to the absolute edge of it's life. The relaxer removes the natural wave pattern {i.e., kinkiness} from the hair, which leaves the hair weak and pretty much lifeless. Texlaxing relaxes the hair slightly, enough to where it is manageable.
I did some research and found out the best way to texlax {for me} is to add oil to the relaxer so that it slows down the processing of the relaxer. I added maybe a teaspoon or two of oil to the relaxer and applied as normal. It allowed me to leave the relaxer on as long as I normally do {possibly even longer} and still not over process my hair. When I washed out the relaxer, my new growth still was wavy, but not as tight and tangled. Because of this, my hair feels stronger and looks a lot healthier than it normally would right after a relaxer.
I have to say that I am hooked on texlaxing. I'm one week post and I'm not sure at this point if I will be stretching {as stretching reduces the frequency of the chemical treatment}, but I am loving my hair. I'm sure my hair is appreciating me right about now too!

Length and Goals
An important part of this journey is to document. Not only what I'm using and doing, but also in photos, so that I can review months and years down the line and see actual progress {or backtracking!}.
This picture was taken after my most recent {and first!}texlax. My hair was twisted and air dried.
{Ignore the big side of my face...I'm still learning to take decent picture with my phone!} Focus on the length.

My hair is a decent length starting off, but I have goals that don't necessarily involve length at this point. I am mostly concerned about the health of my hair. Since moving to Philadelphia {almost a year ago!}, I have severely neglected and abused my hair. This neglect has resulted in my hair revolting back against me. There is a war going on my head! My hair's weapons of choice being severe breakage, split ends and all around dryness.
So, I'm fighting back. I'm trying to grow stronger hair, thicken my hair and reduce breakage. My arsenal consists of deep conditioning with protein every week followed by a moisturizing deep conditioner with a good moisturizing conditioner. I also am moisturizing with a water based moisturizer and sealing with Castor oil daily.
I'm hoping these things will add up to my hair being enviable!
Recently, my best friend and I, have embarked on a hair journey of sorts. We've researched and we've bought products. She even chopped all her hair off to start her journey all natural!
I chickened out and only texlaxed my hair. However, that still doesn't mean that chemically treated hair still can't be healthy hair!
So right now I am one week post my texlaxer and I'm loving the strength that I'm experiencing from moisturizing and sealing daily. I'm also seeing the difference when I'm not using any heat on my hair. Air drying is more than I ever thought it would be.
I'm also embarking on the journey with my daughters as well. I hope to document the progess of the health of my hair as well as theirs.
It's so odd. I've been battling my hair my whole life and now I'm finally embracing it. I'm excited for the journey!