After 11 weeks and 3 days I texlaxed. My original goal was 14 weeks but I realized that my stretch was more harmful than helpful with my health and length goals. I was experiencing a ton of shedding and a lot of breakage with the two textures.
The process went very smoothly and I love my texture. I attempted to see what a WNG would look like on my hair so I let it air dry for a bit, schrunching up my relaxed ends as it dried. It wasn't the greatest. My relaxed ends really weigh down my curls. I do plan to trim away the ends soon.
I realized that I was damaging my hair with the frequent flat irons I was doing and decided no more. No more flat ironing. I air dried my hair to about 80% and then flat twisted. I have been moisturizing, sealing and retwisting every night. So far so good.
I plan on attempting another 14 week stretch which will make it June 19, 2010. I'm hoping that with the spring quickly approaching, I'll be able to wash more, which I have noticed helps me stretch longer because of the frequent conditioning of the new growth.

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