Monday of this week, here in Philly, was a balmy, humid 60 degrees. Such a weird phenomenon when the temps have been in the 30s. But that humidity really did a number on my flat iron. It got puffy and it began to revert so since then I had been wearing my hair in a pony tail.
Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE my pony tail. That hasn't been what I have found to be true since I cut my hair back in September. So I had to do something.
I saw something on Youtube about pin curls and I knew that was the solution for my problem so last night I finally tried them. I have to admit, I was afraid of pin curls. I was afraid that they would come out looking crazy and then I'd be stuck with jacked up hair in a pony tail. I was afraid of how long it would take to do them. I was afraid that it wouldn't work.
But I pressed forward and decided that I would do several large ones since I was short on time and tired as I don't know what. I started with totally straight, flat hair with no curl whatsoever.
First, I moisturized my hair really well with my Elasta QP H-Two leave in, also used a bit of Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship leave in as well and then sealed with a bit of castor oil. I went a little heavier on the moisturizing that I normally do because my hair was dry and I wanted to make sure that my hair had moisture to set with.
After I moisturized I started curling. I loved that my only tools were a comb and my fingers. I combed my hair into the style I was going to wear it into then grabbed large sections and began to curl them around my fingers.
Once I had all the hair wrapped around my fingers, I slid my fingers out and continued to curl the rest of my hair until it reached my hair. I laid the curl flat and pinned with a hair pin. I had to use two hair pins for each curl since my sections were so large. When my whole head was finished I tied down with my scraf and covered that with my bonnet.
This morning, let me tell you, I was terrified of what I was going to unveil but I really was pleasantly surprised with the results.
This picture shows my hair right after I had taken all the pin curls out. What I learned is that I will need ample time to play with the curls to make sure they come together well.
I ended up pinning up the top half of my hair with a large hair pin and leaving the bottom half down. I really love the results and that I got them without heat. I will definitely continue to pin curl my hair.