Thursday, October 22, 2009

Look No Further


I had to look no further than my own medicine cabinet to find a moisturizer that works for what I needed. I had really been sleeping on the Elasta QP H Two leave-in for some reason. I bought it about a month ago, used it once and decided I didn't care for it.

In dry, ashy hair desperation, I decided to try it. It is in a spray bottle, which I knew wouldn't work for my hair, so I sprayed 3 squirts in my hands, rubbed my hands together and distributed the product evenly throughout my hair.

Voila! Perfecto. It worked. I sealed with castor oil and all was right in the world.

I've been moisturizing with the H Two for the past two days and my hair still has movement, but it is visibly moisturized. That was exactly what I needed and I didn't even have to buy anything new...though I did...

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