I texlaxed last night only two weeks shy of my original goal of 10 weeks post. And same as the last time I texlaxed, I could have gone for another few weeks or more. I texlaxed because I am going to get my hair RECUT, into a style that I can manage and doesn't drive me insane {I'll post pictures of the infamous cut at a later date...I'm still not over it yet}, so I needed to have a fresh texlax so that the cut would be good. I used the same method and product as my last texlax except for a few things that I did differently.
In the step between washing it out and neutralizing, I wanted to do a hard protein treatment to add back any strength that may have been lost during the relaxing process. I thought I had a protein treatment, but I actually didn't since I've gotten rid of anything that has protein in it, since protein and I do not get along. So I actually used an egg and mixed it with Africa's Best Hair Mayo. I applied that to my hair {it was incredibly messy. good thing I was in the shower} and let it sit for a few minutes. I didn't let it sit too long because I didn't want to cause any damage.
I then neutralized with the Creamy Aloe Shampoo that came with the relaxer. This is the BEST shampoo. It softened, detangled and really did moisturize my hair after the egg treatment. I almost thought for a second that I wouldn't need to deep condition. But I'm not crazy. So I deep conditioned with the ORS Olive Oil replenishing pak, that was also included with the relaxer. I left that on for about 3 hours and when I washed out, my hair felt incredible.
This time I added 1 1/2 cap fulls of oil to my relaxer {probably equal to 1 1/2 teaspoons} and I think this was the right amount. I got no burning even though I had scratched my scalp absentmindedly earlier in the day and the results were right on point.
Now all I have to do is get this cut fixed. One of the pluses of my butchered hair is that, in the back, there is maybe two inches of relaxed hair left, the rest is texlaxed. I can't wait until I'm fully texlaxed.
I had a breakdown earlier this week and contemplated going back to bone straight, but I'm glad I came to my senses, with the help of Renise B of course.
Hopefully, this time, I will make my goal of 10 weeks post. 8 weeks wasn't bad at all.

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