I think I may be realizing that I'm doing way too much in terms of my hair. All the cowashing, the deep conditioning, the clarifying, the moisturizig, the sealing, the protective styling, maybe it's just TOO much.
Simple is better. None of those things are bad, but simple IS better, right?
For the winter, I really think that I'm going to simplify my regimen. Wash and deep condition once a week. Moisture and seal daily {or as needed. If I need to skip a day, I'll skip a day}. That's it. No hoopla and no involved regimen where I have to keep a calendar to keep track of it.
I guess that this new cut has really taken the wind out of my sails a little bit. I'm ready for my hair to grow back, but the enthusiasm I began this journey with seems to have been left on the salon floor with the rest of my hair.

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