This was the second deep conditioner I tried {Dr. Miracles was the first} and I fell immediately head over heels in love with it. I was talking to Renise B the other day on the phone while she was being a product junkie at Sally's {just admit it!} and she picked this up and suddenly I remembered that I love this stuff!
I couldn't remember why I stopped using it, probably distracted by other products that screamed in my ear from their aisles as I walked by. But since I remembered, I couldn't ignore the ORS any longer. I went right out and bought a few packs. I can't wait to get the hairgasm in the shower after I use this!
I love the citrusy scent of it, though I usually despise any citrus smelling products, cleaners, etc. It's pretty thin, so you'd think that it was cheap {and at a buck and some change, it really is cheap}, but it coats the hair nicely. I can't get away with using half a packet with this, you need the whole thing. I usually let it sit for a couple of hours, 45 minutes at the very minimum, since I don't usually use heat with my deep conditioners and when you rinse...HAIRGASM! Right there in the shower, just try to keep the noise level to a minimum. You don't want your man to get suspicious!
I'm actually excited to begin using this again. I'll make sure I don't forget it's magnificence ever again!

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