Terry cloth towels are rough. In my opinion, they shouldn't be used on hair. Especially not the way I used to use towels. Twisting my hair up in them and such. I also think it's murder on the hair line as well.
So let me explain the t-shirt method. Really, there isn't much to it.
- Take a t-shirt, any t-shirt. I use my own {not my husbands, as you want the neck hole to fit your head}
- Pull the neck opening over your head, letting your hair hang into the middle
- Next, gather the t-shirt with your hair inside into a ponytail and twist it around {this squeezes the excess water from your hair
- Finally, tuck the end of the t-shirt into the front, by your forehead
Easy, huh? I usually leave mine on for anywhere from 30 mins to an hour, depending on what I am doing. After 30 minutes, usually my hair is about 75% dry.
This works great for me and I worry less about my hair being torn up from a terry cloth towel.
Try it, you'll like it!

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