Last night, I washed, conditioned, blow dried and flat ironed my hair.
I know, I know...just yesterday I was on a no heat diet. Well, I got the itch and I had to scratch. But that's not my point.
Last night, as I was parting my hair to put rollers in for the night, I noticed how severely damaged the left side of my hair is from years of wrapping in the same direction. The hair on that side goes to my chin. The hair on my right side reaches my collar bone. That's a huge difference.
I'm deciding whether or not I want to cut my hair or just wait until the left catches up to the right. But at this point, I'm wondering if that will ever happen.
I am trying not to get discouraged, but this one is really bothering me.

1 comment:
I say cut it. The healthier side is going to just keep growing while the damaged sided just stays damaged
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