Protein is my nemesis. My enemy. The thorn in my
Two weeks ago I did an egg protein treatment on my hair. LOVED IT. Loved the immediate strength I felt, but also was a little miffed by the dryness/tangles I was experiencing. I deep conditioned, several times, but there has been no change.
I'm realizing that my hair doesn't like protein or is extremely protein sensitive. I don't need a third time to let me know that protein is most certainly the culprit. The same thing happened to me that last time I used protein.
I'm headed to the store later on to pick up a heavy duty deep conditioner and moisturizer and attempt to nurse my hair back to health this weekend. I'm sure it will take longer than two days, but that is where I plan to start.
I vow to my hair that I will not make this mistake again. I will only use mild protein. The egg was too strong. I have a mild protein conditioner, which I think when used sparingly will be all that I need.

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