When starting my hair journey back in May {man, time flies!}, one of the issues I wanted to correct with my hair were my horribly thin edges:
I began to search for things that would fill in my edges quickly and was surprized when I learned about Miconazole Nitrate. What is that? Well, simply stated, it's this:
Yeast infection cream! Miconazole Nitrate is found in both yeast infection creams and in Neosporin. Since it has antifungal properties, it will remove dandruff and bacteria from the scalp, thus promoting hair growth.
There were so many women on the hair boards praising this stuff for growing their edges back and when applied to their whole heads, giving them amazing growth results. I was immediately intrigued since I happened to have some of the stuff in my medicine cabinet! One of the warnings, though, was that the miconazole nitrate could possibly cause headaches, as one of the things it does is cause blood to rush to the area where it is applied, this is why growth occurs also, increased blood flow to the area.
Excitedly, I applied the cream twice a day for a few days. The first day, was fine, I noticed a little tingling but nothing out of the ordinary. By the third day, my head was pounding and on fire in the areas where I had applied the cream to.
I don't think I used it enough to notice any recognizable difference. And I definitely don't plan on using it in the future. I've decided that growth aids aren't neccesarily for me. I am impatient for my hair to be where I want it to be, but at the same time, why go through the stress of trying to speed up what nature has under control?
A better alternative for me has been the aloe vera gel. I don't use it nearly as often as I should, but I can really say that my edges are filling in.
But as far as miconazole nitrate goes, try it, you might like it!

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