I think I have figured out my protein overload quandary. It's a known fact that relaxers strip our hair of its protein bonds so as a woman with relaxed hair, I need to add that protein back in order to have strong hair.
I finally realized today, that I have an extremely protein rich diet, and that my hair may not need any topically added protein to help strengthen it.
What you eat and drink does effect your hair. The protein/moisture balance is an extremely difficult one to master. Don't forget to take what you eat into effect when considering whether your hair is in need of moisture or protein.
I've learned that my hair thrives when it's moisturized. Others will find that their hair becomes "mushy" or over moisturized very quickly. These heads need protein.
It really is about learning your hair. Just because that egg treatment worked for one person, doesn't mean it's going to work for you. I'm discovering that a light or very mild protein treatment will be all I need.
It really is important to factor in everything when caring for hair.

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