She's such an inspiration to me. She just woke up one day and decided that she was ready to do it her way. She tuned out what the naysayers were yelling in her ear and made the decision for herself. And she's doing it with class.
I constantly call and email her my hair questions, ponderings and freak outs. Where would I be with out such great support? I'll tell you, bone straight and breaking off. That's where. She's talked lots of sense to me over the past few months since we started this voyage.
It's great to know that we're in this together.
Check her out

1 comment:
Aw, tear! *sniffle sniffle* I feel so loved! lol! Girl you know if nobody got you back I do because you do the same for me. You were one of the few not saying anything negative about my decision. You were positive and excited with me and also the one who made the suggestion. It's great knowing I inspire you just as much as you do me. We'd both be bone straight with jacked up hair without each other.
Oh and the signature is HOT! I have got to get one
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