Tuesday, September 29, 2009



Is it natural to get bored with the healthy hair care journey? Or am I just bored because I cut my hair?

I haven't been up for much experimentation because my hair is short and the type of styles I can do have been severely limited. Also, if it ends up looking a HAM {hot a** mess}, I can't just throw it back in a bun.

I haven't even washed my hair since Thursday, September 17, 2009! That was ELEVEN days ago! It's so past due but I have to admit that I am scared.

Yes, I said it. This former washing addict is afraid to wash her hair! It seems like such a huge undertaking now that I have decided to wear my hair straight. Wash, blow dry, flat iron. I'm wondering if I can sustain that regimen. We all know I'm lazy afterall. And roller setting. Hmmm...so much work that it literally makes me tremble when I open the drawer and see those rollers!

This morning in the shower I got the brilliant idea to go to Empire beauty school to get a roller set for $12 bucks. I can do that price. And is it possible to screw up a rollerset?

 Don't answer that.

So that's my plan for now. I'm to chicken to wash my hair at this length.

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