This texlax did not go as well as I planned. In fact, it was kind of a disaster. My time management was horrible and I used double protein on accident and didn't have adequate time to deep condition my hair after the double dose of protein.
I did have some breakage after the deep condition and I was horrified, but my hair seems to be recovering fine now, with no additional breakage.
The main disaster was that I left the relaxer on for too long on the front of my hair and it came out a lot more straight than I would have liked it to be. It still has some texture, but it is not uniform with the rest of my texlax.
I have done some research and I've decided that I have not been relaxing my hair enough to get the texture I want. My hair has more texture than I would like and that leads to tangles and lots of frustration for me. Since I mainly would like to wear my hair straight, I have decided that while I won't relax bone straight, I'll relax my hair somewhere in between my previous texlaxes and bone straight.
It doesn't make sense to underprocess to a point where it causes frustration for me and thus hair loss when I can texlax to a point that is managable but also doesn't compromise my texture too much.
This texlax has been a learning experience for me, as I'm understanding what my hair needs and what I need in order to manage it. I believe that I can have healthy hair if I do process it a tad more than I have been doing and still gain the benefits of thickened, manageable hair.
I can relate to the too much texture, I have been there and after about a year of texlaxing and stretching, I even went so far as to cut off my relaxed ends to deal with less tangles. None of that worked and I ended up doing a corrective. You have to do what works for you, If you feel having to much texture is causigng tangles and breakage. I think you should fix it now instead of waiting. Now my hair process texlaxed but my version of bone straight because I moved up from mild to regular strength.
Anyway enough of me rambling you should do what you feel is right for your hair.
So are your going to process all of your hair to the texture in the front that you did by mistake? As long as you maintain the thicker that you love, then that would be good. I know detangling has been terrible so hopefully, this will make it a lot easier.
@ Hair and Beyond -- did you do the corrective yourself? Did that fix your issues with tangling?
@ Renise B -- I'm not sure yet but I think after a few washes, I'll be able to see what the true texture is and I can make a decision then.
I did the corrective myself. The next relaxer since I had the straight area of hair and then the under processed area, the next relaxer after i apploed my relaxer to my roots I than applied the relaxer to the under processed ends but not going all the way to the tips of my hair. Keep in mind that I had a lot of length under processed. anyway I applied the realxer to the roots than to the under processed areas making sure not to touch what was already straight, after appling the relaxer to what i needed to I than smoothed the relxer into my roots like usual but only touching what I was reprocessing in the length once. I had to do 2 correctives I think. Yes it did help with the detangling.
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