Monday, July 06, 2009

Hair Update


Sadly {or not}, I didn't get to my hair this weekend. Although it was a 3 day weekend, my days were filled with chasing my girls around and cookouts.

I did, however, do their hair. So I can check that off my list and get on to my hair.

I have decided to texlax again at week 10, which is in two weeks. I think I may be able to stretch longer than 10 weeks, but we are going on our vacation and I want to be nice and fresh for that! Plus with swimming and the spa, my hair will be in a much better position to be washed and looking good than it is now.

I have been able to maintain very well by keeping my new growth moisturized. I have been able to mix some products that I had that weren't working very well on their own and now I have a pretty good moisturizer.

I've been thinking about creating a calendar with my hair schedule/regimen on it. I think it will help me to keep track of what I'm doing and need to be doing. Consistency is the key.

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