So I was looking at my last post and how utterly FLAT my pony tail looked. It looked really sad and depressing. So, I had to fix that. After about a week of trying different twist outs and bantu knot outs on my pony, nothing was working. It was still FLAT.
I discovered two things. I was using waaay too much castor oil that was causing my hair to be limp and to have no life. And two, the twist outs just weren't working.
So yesterday, with money in my pocket to burn, I headed to the store to pick up some things to resolve the issue.
I got :
All I have to say about this stuff is that it is AMAZING. After I did my deep protein condition and my deep moisturizing condition, I added this and man, my hair felt like SILK. I even used it on my daughter this morning and her hair was shining and laying down and obeying for once! This will most likely be my new staple. It cost me $4.49, but I think my local beauty suppy store is a tab bit expensive, so I know I can probably find it elsewhere for a little less.

Well, my hair turned out fabulous. The curls are soft, bouncy and tight. I know that over the next few days, they will fall beautifully. I almost can't wait to see what they look like tomorrow.
Now I have to go back and get some more cold rods so that I can try this all over my head and not just in my pony tail.
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