Monday, June 14, 2010

The Pony

This week I have been rocking the pony. It's easy, low manipulation and did I mention easy? I've decided to stretch the flat iron as long as I possibly can to limit the amount of heat I use. Wash and deep condition will be this weekend.

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kristal said...

Hi I know I'm later but i love that you decided to texlax for the same reasons I did. People started complimenting me on how thick my hair was. When I tell people that I don't relax my hair bone straight they look at me like I'm crazy cause I unusually finish off by running the flat iron through it or blow out my rootS after a roller set.(the hair around the roller dries straight)You mentioned you were having trouble with tangles one product I swear by is silicon mix with pearl extract. As a cowash(leave on 30mins beforE rinsing) or after shampoo treatment(alSo leave on 30mins before rinsing) this should help you with your tangles and help you stretch your relaxer. GOod luck don't get discouraged especially during these summer months.

*Tiffany-Annabelle* said...

Loved your hair comment on my blog! Very insightful. Will keep myself updated with how your fabulous hair is doing
Ciao darling X

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