Everybody and their mama are going natural these days. Including my own mother! And my sister. And all my best friends.
But I'm hesitant to take that plunge into the depths of all it means to go natural. I have three natural heads in my daughters and let me just say that it's a battle.
Plus I have a husband who loves my flowing tresses. I know that there is a ton said about relaxers being the devil. And people who relax their hair are trying to conform to the European look.
I fervently disagree with this sentiment. Wholeheartedly.
Yes I love myself and who I am. I love the hair that grows out of my scalp in all it's natural glory. No I don't want to denounce the black parts of myself (as if I ever could).
So then why am I still relaxing my hair?
At the end of the day it's really about manageability for me. Not my
hair's manageability, but the ability to manage 4 heads of hair.
I'm scared because my weekends are already consumed with deep conditioning, washing, detangling, moisturizing, drying, styling and protecting heads of hair that are not my own. And they have hair. Lots of it.
My three ladies and all of their glorious hair