Hair has been the furthest thing from my mind. I have been doing my hair though, and it looks freakin amazing this week, but hair has been overshadowed by life.
Seriously overshadowed. Like expecting my third child overshadowed. My mind is no longer focused on this product and split ends and shedding.
I'm keeping that in mind. I haven't been neglecting my hair by any means though. I have tried the Lacio Lacio and one word A-MAZING!!!! It's def going to be a staple for me. Nothing has made my hair shine and look as healthy as this product. And it also claims to repair hair over time. So this one is great.
Still haven't tried the CHI Silk Infusion. But that is to come.
This weekend I plan to deep condition and then blow dry and flat iron...again. I'm using a heat protectant so Im not worried about damage.
But overal my hair is in great condition. I'm 7 weeks post and things are going smoothly.