Monday, August 31, 2009

Two to Try


This weekend I picked up two new products to try. I was perusing the aisles at my local CVS and I came across this:

V05 Tea Therapy Vanilla Mint Tea Clarifying Conditioner. Now, I have never seen nor heard of a clarifying conditioner, so it immediately piqued my intrest. I grabbed up a bottle for $0.99 {can't be mad if it does nothing!}. I will most likely try that tonight along with this:

Herbal Essences Dangerously Straight conditioner. It looks very interesting as well. I've tried air drying my hair straight a few times over the past week or so and I've had mediocre results. Not bad, just not great. So I was thinking that maybe it has to do with the products that I'm using. I'll try this tonight and air dry straight to see if it lives up to it's name.

I'm going to try it and hope I like it!

Texlax Update


Right now I am 5 weeks post my last texlax and my new growth is extremely manageable. I can tell what a great texture my hair will be once I am fully texlaxed. I'm really excited for that to happen.

I used ORS Olive Oil No-Lye Relaxer to texlax, adding more oil than I did for my first time texlaxing. The results do seem to be consistent though. Next time, I won't use as much oil because I noticed that most of my new growth didn't break down at all. After I rinsed, I noticed how strong my hair was. Usually, my hair feels very thin and weak after a relaxer. I did a protein treatment before I neutralized and I think this step was critical in the reduction of breakage. Afterwards, I did a deep conditioning moisturizing treatment with heat for 20 minutes.

The only thing I would change about my process is allowing myself enough time to complete it throughly. I texlaxed my hair the day before we left for vacation and I was in a bit of a rush. I didn't make any mistakes, but I realize that if I had more time, I would have done a much better job with the protein and deep moisturizing conditioners.

I've been making sure to deep condition my new growth {as well as my ends} very well so that the line of demarcation {the line where the texlaxed hair and new growth meets the relaxed hair} is very moisturized. The last thing I want to happen in this texlax process is for me to have a set back with breakage.

So far, I estimate that the texlaxed hair is about 3 inches and my hair is currently arm pit length. I know it will take awhile before my entire head is texlaxed.

I'm still deciding whether I am going to be stretching my relaxer to ten weeks. I would like to do eight at the very minimum, but probably at eight I will listen to my hair.

Texlaxing has been very beneficial. Some of the benefits I have seen are:

  • Thicker hair
  • Non porous strands {only on the texlaxed portion}
  • I'm not afraid of rain!
  • The texlaxed hair is stronger and looks healthier.

I'm really trying not to fall off the bandwagon as I tend to be very impatient. My ultimate goal is healthy hair and for me, texlaxing is the way to achieve it.

Friday, August 28, 2009



I'm bored...again. My hair. It's one big yawn.

I've been thinking of texlaxing early for my salon visit next Friday. Getting my hair cut in layers. Doing a black rinse. Flat ironing. So many things that I probably shouldn't do.

But I'm bored. I was never bored with my hair before. Even though I basically wore the same hair style for YEARS. My wrap never got old to me. But these protective styles are such a bore to me. Even with accessories and different twists on the bun, updos, braidouts, etc.

I'm serious contemplating going back to bone straight because I really do miss straight hair.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Slow and Steady Wins the Race


I'm all about instant gratification. I want it and I want it now. And that's the attitude I've carried into my hair care journey.

I want a full head of healthy and thick hair now. Not two years from now. Now!

I have been contemplating cutting my hair and starting with a "clean" slate. I was going to texlax at 6 weeks instead of the 10 I am trying to stretch to now, in order to make this happen. But what I realized was that cutting my hair isn't going to get me closer to my goal of healthy and thick hair. Only time, patience and consistency is going to do that.

I've got to put the things I've learned into practice and believe that it's going to pay off. I know that I can manage the hair I have now, even it is a bit uneven and damaged at parts. I've revised my regimen for the remainder of the summer as follows:

Deep condition 2x a week
Prepoo 1x a week
Protective style daily in buns, ponytails or braid outs
No protein unless it's absolutely evident that my hair needs it
And absolutely no heat

In order for me to achieve health, moisture is going to be key for me. I'll be patient with my hair and allow it to grow at it's own rate versus me trying to rush the issue by being rash.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



I read something that made more sense to me than anything I've read thus far on my hair care journey.

It's all about targeting one problem at a time. I got so caught up in trying to do so many things for the health of my hair, that I forgot that I can't fix everything all at once. And that led to me not fixing ANYTHING.

It makes sense to have a target for your hair care. Especially when you are having several issues. For me, it's moisture. That's been my issue since the beginning. I am able to keep my hair well moisturized and breakage free, but then something pops up and I'm thinking, maybe I NEED to do a protein treatment. Or maybe I NEED to try this or that to see if it can make my hair grow longer.

Having a target keeps me focused. Which when faced with so much knowledge can be challenging. It's hard to keep the bits and pieces that I learn everyday from cropping up in my hair care as something I want to try. Now, I take those bits and pieces that APPLY to my target and it allows me to focus on tackling one problem at a time.

Targeting some specific problem also allows you to purchase products that combat that issue. I've gone to the hair aisle at my local store and have been overwhelmed by the choices, unable to figure out what I want and need. Now that I am focusing on moisture, I go in knowing exactly what to look for. Products that say "For damaged hair," "For color treated hair" or "For extremely dry hair," all catch my eye now. Before, anything with a pretty package was in my cart!

Right now, as I said, I'm focusing on moisture. I know that moisture is going to be what helps my hair to grow, get healthy and stay healthy.

Have you ever tried targeting one specific problem versus trying to tackle them all at once?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Most Worn Protective Styles


I was once against protective styles. I thought they were all boring and I would want to wear my hair out more than put it up.

Thanks to some research, I was able to find out that protective styling didn't just mean buns. Buns are a great way to protect the ends and keep hair moisturized. I found that I need change in order to not get bored with my hair.

One of my favorite protective styles is wearing rods. I love curly hair. This allows me to curl hair when wet and eliminate the need for a blow dryer and a curling iron {which is the way I used to spiral curl my hair}
The good ol' bun. This is my standby. If I feel my ends need protection or I'm just too lazy to do anything else, the bun is always there to give me a low maintenance style that is still presentable.

I have an assortment of "up and out of the way" protective styles. I usually never know how they look in the back until I take a picture. I always carry some sort of clip with me. Just in case.

I do a lot of twist outs and because of the cut of my hair {or should I call it what it is...damage}, I am not able to wear it down all the time. Thus, the twist out gets swept back into a ponytail. Either I pin it up or let it hang, depending on my mood.
All these styles are protective, as I'm not adding any heat to the hair or manipulating much. I pretty much wear a protective style every day. Hopefully I'll see some results from my dedication to keeping the heat out and the protective in!

Monday, August 24, 2009

REVIEW: ORS Olive Oil Incredibly Rich Moisturizing Hair Lotion


This past week I bought Organic Root Stimulator's Olive Oil Incredibly Rich Moisturizing Hair Lotion.

I used a small sample of it that was provided with the ORS Olive Oil Relaxer and fell in love with the consistency of it. It was thick and creamy, perfect for straight, flat-ironed styles.

The product claims that it:
  • Restores moisture to dry, thirsty hair
    Conditions and protects the hair from high heat
    Not greasy or sticky
    Provides long lasting shine
    Protect the hair from blow dryers and curling irons
    Moisturize the hair and scalp
    Condition and strengthen damaged hair
I have to say that this product does all it claims to do. I love how it really just soaked into my hair, versus sitting on top of my hair. I also loved that it protects hair from heat. I'm not sure if it's at the same level as products that are specifically heat protectants, but I appreciate a product that can as both a moisturizer AND a heat protectant. Less money out of my pockets.
The only thing that may bother some, is the scent. It's a scent that's hard to describe but doesn't fade as time passes. It's subtle enough that it isn't overpowering, but if sensitive, may want to use more sparingly. It didn't bother me, it actually grew on me over time.
ORS Olive Oil Incredibly Rich Moisturizing Hair Lotion gets an A+ from me. And at about $5 bucks, it's easy on the pockets. The lotion is rich and will last a long time.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

You Care More About Your Hair Than You Do Me


That is what my husband said to me as I applied my deep conditioner in front of the mirror.

"You care more about your hair than you do me"

These past couple of months on this hair journey have afforded me the opportunity to really learn about the proper care for my hair. I've never been so wrapped up in the health of my hair. I don't consider this being vain at all. Is it vain to exercise? Is it vain to eat right? Then I don't understand how it is vain to take care of hair, another part of the body.

Needless to say, I disagreed with my husband. It takes time to properly care for hair. He should be happier that he's not shelling out the big bucks for me to get my hair done every two weeks.

Does anyone else have this problem? Are you considered vain for taking care of your hair so well?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Well Hi There...Hello Hydration


So. I left the Hello Hydration sitting for awhile in the cabinet. It had disappointed me terribly and I couldn't bear to look at it, let alone pick up the bottle. Until last night.

I deep conditioned with a mix of Aussie 3 min, EVOO and honey. I also added in some V05 moisture milk and some Garnier Fructis I'm trying to get rid of. I let that mixture sit on my head for about 3 hours as I cooked dinner, fed the girls, gave baths, etc.

After I rinsed, it was so soft and silky. I was in heaven. I shampooed with Hello Hydration Moisturizing Shampoo and it was still silky. But I couldn't shampoo without following up with a conditioner. Here's where the Hello Hydration conditioner comes in.

Can I just say, like butter! My hair was so thirsty and I had just given it the best drink of it's life. A nice tall glass of ice water.

Needless to say, my hair is extremely happy today.

Hello Hydration is back on my radar, for it's originally intended purpose. Though I can't lie, I snuck in some as a moisturizer last night. So far so good.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Aloe Vera


I finally purchased some Fruit of the Earth 100% Pure Aloe Vera gel. I purchased a very small, travel size bottle, to make sure it worked well for me.

It does. It's really great at laying my edges down and it kept them moisturized the entire day.

Aloe Vera Gel includes an enzyme that is beneficial in stimulating new hair reproduction. This will be perfect in aiding in the continued growth of my edges. They have filled in a lot since May, and hopefully the Aloe Vera gel will promote even more growth.

Aloe Vera is definitely a keeper.

Try it, you'll like it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Your Hair is What You Eat...Literally...


I think I have figured out my protein overload quandary. It's a known fact that relaxers strip our hair of its protein bonds so as a woman with relaxed hair, I need to add that protein back in order to have strong hair.

I finally realized today, that I have an extremely protein rich diet, and that my hair may not need any topically added protein to help strengthen it.

What you eat and drink does effect your hair. The protein/moisture balance is an extremely difficult one to master. Don't forget to take what you eat into effect when considering whether your hair is in need of moisture or protein.

I've learned that my hair thrives when it's moisturized. Others will find that their hair becomes "mushy" or over moisturized very quickly. These heads need protein.

It really is about learning your hair. Just because that egg treatment worked for one person, doesn't mean it's going to work for you. I'm discovering that a light or very mild protein treatment will be all I need.

It really is important to factor in everything when caring for hair.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Romancing the Hair


So. This weekend I wined and dined my hair. After my realization last week that I had inadvertently over-proteinated {totally made up word} my hair, I recognized that I let everything I was learning about my hair, was getting in my way.

I was putting everything I was learning into practice at once. My hair revolted. It was crying for the simple regime I began with. The one where I washed my hair twice a week, alternating between conditioner and shampoo. The one where I deep conditioned once a week with Dr. Miracle's Tingling Intensive Deep Conditioning Treatment.
I forgot how effective that was because I got sidetracked by what this new conditioner could do, what this mixture could do and so on and so forth.
I was derailed by products.
So after my protein bumps last week, I decided to go back to basics. I haven't been on this journey long, but I needed to go back to what worked for me. I strayed away from Dr. Miracle's because so many on LHCF hated the products. This product is the only one I have tried, and I have to be 100% honest. I really love it.
It moisturizes my hair like no other. Especially now, when my hair was begging for moisture.
My hair hasn't returned to it's full glory, but it's on its way. A few more weeks of Dr. Miracle's and I think I'll be in a good place.
I'm going to have to always remember that just because it doesn't work for someone else, doesn't mean it won't work for me. And vice versa.
Try it. You may like it.

Friday, August 14, 2009

REVIEW: Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship Leave-In


After weeks and weeks of reading about what a great product Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship was, I finally went and bought it. And it was on sale at Target for $2.79, so that make me extremely happy.

I needed something to moisturize my dry ends. My ends are a little raggedy because I haven't had a real trim in over a year.

Herbal Essences claims that Long Term Relationship Leave- In "prevent split ends and maintain your long locks—that's the secret of a long-term relationship. my luscious leave-in is like a velvety kiss of protective conditioning that strengthens your hair against split ends and breakage. hey beautiful, let's stay together until the end."

I have to say, I like this product. At first, the scent seemed overpowering and a tad perfumy. But it grew on my. And I'm swinging my head just to get a whiff of it. I'm using this product mainly on my edges and my ends, concentrating on the last two inches. I bought the product on Saturday, so I've only used it twice. So far, so good. My ends seem quenched, however, it didn't do much for my edges. After saturating my ends, I seal with Castor oil.

I'm going to keep using HE LTR for my ends, it seems to be just what they need.

Thursday, August 13, 2009



Last night, I washed, conditioned, blow dried and flat ironed my hair.

I know, I know...just yesterday I was on a no heat diet. Well, I got the itch and I had to scratch. But that's not my point.

Last night, as I was parting my hair to put rollers in for the night, I noticed how severely damaged the left side of my hair is from years of wrapping in the same direction. The hair on that side goes to my chin. The hair on my right side reaches my collar bone. That's a huge difference.

I'm deciding whether or not I want to cut my hair or just wait until the left catches up to the right. But at this point, I'm wondering if that will ever happen.

I am trying not to get discouraged, but this one is really bothering me.

Protein is NOT my Friend


Protein is my nemesis. My enemy. The thorn in my

Two weeks ago I did an egg protein treatment on my hair. LOVED IT. Loved the immediate strength I felt, but also was a little miffed by the dryness/tangles I was experiencing. I deep conditioned, several times, but there has been no change.

I'm realizing that my hair doesn't like protein or is extremely protein sensitive. I don't need a third time to let me know that protein is most certainly the culprit. The same thing happened to me that last time I used protein.

I'm headed to the store later on to pick up a heavy duty deep conditioner and moisturizer and attempt to nurse my hair back to health this weekend. I'm sure it will take longer than two days, but that is where I plan to start.

I vow to my hair that I will not make this mistake again. I will only use mild protein. The egg was too strong. I have a mild protein conditioner, which I think when used sparingly will be all that I need.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hair Today


I'm getting better with the twist outs. I'm really proud that I'm learning definite techniques that will help me as my hair continues to get long.

I like twist outs because it's an easy way to air dry my hair and still add interest. I'm on a no heat diet for awhile and this is perfect.

However, my hair is so uneven from damage and old layers growing out, that it's pretty difficult to wear this style and have my entire head be uniform. So usually, I pull my twist outs back into ponytails or twist into an up do.

I'm waiting for a more healthy hair of head before I do a heat style. Maybe next month. This month, I'm all about protective styles.

From Favorite to Grave


I hate to say it. But Hello Hydration may be going to the grave. It's leaving a coating on my hair that I think has been the source of all my frustration the past few days.

I have heard amazing things about Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship Leave in. I'm going to purchase some tomorrow and see if that makes a difference on my hair.

I think I may have to rotate my products. Also, I tend to be really heavy handed with products, that may be contribuiting to the issue.

I'll report back.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Out With the Old


So I'm noticing that the products I LOVED last week, are failing me this week. What's up with that. I guess I understand why everyone is always running out, buying up everything. Well, last week, Hello Hydration and Elasta QP Mango Butter was all I needed to get by.

Well, this week it's a totally different story. I'm not sure what the problem is, but those products aren't doing much for my hair. My hair is still soft and moisturized, but not moisturized like it was last week. And not as lusciously luscious either. Last week, I couldn't keep my hands off my hair. And this week, my hair is not that irresistible to me.

I wonder if hair gets "used" to products. Or maybe I'm getting used to my hair feeling soft and moisturized now so I can't tell the difference.

Whichever the case, I'm in the mood to try something new.

Monday, August 10, 2009



I've never been one who was big on trims. When I went to the salon and the hairstylist began to mention trims, I would start shaking, trying my best to crane my neck towards the mirror just to get a glimpse of how much she was actually taking off.

I've been incredibly lucky though. I've heard some horror stories from women who have had their hair hacked away behind one of these "trims." My stylists have always respected what I've asked and I've always walked away happy with my trims.

This is probably the main thing that contributes to my lack of fear about getting trims. Since my major goal is over all health and not length, I've been debating whether or not I will get a trim. Now I have recently had my ends dusted, so they are still a little shabbier than I would like. The main reason, I suppose, for my wanting a trim is to have a even, consistent look.

With the knowledge I have gained the past few months, I now know that babying our ends is soooo important. A lot of ladies trim their own ends. That may not be one of the things I try to do myself since my ends aren't completely horrible. No split ends or single strand knots. Just a little unevenness.

Should I bother?

Friday, August 07, 2009



I hate weave.

I've had weave a whopping TWO TIMES in my life time.

And I hate weave.

I know many people who swear by it. It's also a great protective style and many women love their wigs, half wigs, braids, etc. But me, I cannot get with the wearing hair that is not my own.

It looks really good on some people, who have it done correctly. And of course as we all have, I've seen some really horrible weave jobs. Maybe one day I can get with the weave. If anything, I'd only wear a half wig.

Am I a hair snob?

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Hair Rut


My hair is mocking me. Laughing at me. I am attempting to beat it into submission and it's laughing hard! I deep conditioned last night. My hair was hard and tangly. It hasn't been hard and tangly since I started on my hair care journey.

Why is it hard and tangly? The only thing I can think of is that egg treatment I did about a week ago. Since then, my hair hasn't been right. I've deep conditioned twice since then, but my hair is still hard and tangly.

I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board on this one.

Any suggestions?

Deep Conditioning - My Mix


There are so many ways to deep condition your hair. So many products to use. So many extras to mix in to "boost" the deep conditioner even more. I'm ever grateful that I have discovered great products that moisturize my hair well. Before I began to properly take care of my hair, I couldn't even tell you what deep condition meant.

Over the past few months, I've found a few staple products that work well for me.

The Aussie 3 minute Deeeep is great. However, it is not great alone. It does a good job by itself, but it's not heavy enough for my hair. My Elasta QP DPR 11 works great in and of itself, but I've discovered with the addition of a few other products, it works even better. Which is why I add the Organics Cholesterol Tea Tree Conditioner. It's a protein and I don't need too much of it. A teaspoon added to the mix works well for me. And lastly, good ol' EVOO. Extra Virgin Olive Oil adds one last layer of moisture that really takes my mix to the next level.

My mix is:
  • Two spoonfuls of Elasta QP DPR 11 {this is my base}
  • One spoonful of the Organics Cholesterol
  • One spoonful of Aussie Deeeep
  • One spoonful of EVOO
I usually apply it as if I'm applying a relaxer, especially when I'm anywhere past 4 weeks with my relaxer. This helps add moisture to my roots, making them easier to manipulate and comb. After one of these deep conditions, I'm able to comb through my roots with absolutely no problem.

Once I have applied it to my roots, I make sure to saturate the rest of my hair with it. I especially baby my ends and my edges. These are my most vulnerable areas. The length of time that I leave it on varies. It pretty much depends on how tired I am {since I usually apply my deep conditioner when my girls are taking their bath and rinse it out after they are in bed}. If I use heat, I decrease the amount of time. Typically, I don't use heat, as it's easier for me to leave it on for an hour versus spending 30 minutes sitting in one place.
Afterwards, my hair is luscious and silky. I cant shout the praises and benefits of deep conditioning any louder than I already have. I upped my deep conditioning to twice a week and it really has made a world of difference.
Try it. You'll like it.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Great Hair Articles


There are two articles that are my go to for information. Audrey Sivasothy is the author, and she herself has an amazing head of hair, so I feel I can trust the information. If you ever have a issue with knowing the difference between shedding and breakage or your protein and moisture balance, take a look at these articles.


Protein and moisture balance

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Bun Today, Gone Tomorrow


Buns are boring

Utterly, boring. So boring, that I abandoned my no heat decision, and I blow dried AND flat ironed. I missed my wrap horribly. It was calling my name, begging to be brought back to life. So I did it. And it didn't look as great as I remembered it. In fact, only a few hours after I straightened it, it found it's way back into a haphazard bun.

I liked wearing my hair down. I life feeling it on my shoulders and back. But at the end of the blow drying session, I looked down and saw the broken hairs littering the bathroom floor. I decided that it wasn't worth it.

So I'm back on air drying and protective styles. Hair health is more important to me than that wrap calling me softly from the corner I've banished it to.

Monday, August 03, 2009

T-Shirt Method


I learned this method awhile ago, when I was brand new to the hair journey. I actually learned it from one of the very first bloggers I found on hair, Sunshyne. It actually made a lot of sense after I did the t-shirt method for the first time.

Terry cloth towels are rough. In my opinion, they shouldn't be used on hair. Especially not the way I used to use towels. Twisting my hair up in them and such. I also think it's murder on the hair line as well.

So let me explain the t-shirt method. Really, there isn't much to it.
  • Take a t-shirt, any t-shirt. I use my own {not my husbands, as you want the neck hole to fit your head}
  • Pull the neck opening over your head, letting your hair hang into the middle
  • Next, gather the t-shirt with your hair inside into a ponytail and twist it around {this squeezes the excess water from your hair
  • Finally, tuck the end of the t-shirt into the front, by your forehead

Easy, huh? I usually leave mine on for anywhere from 30 mins to an hour, depending on what I am doing. After 30 minutes, usually my hair is about 75% dry.

This works great for me and I worry less about my hair being torn up from a terry cloth towel.

Try it, you'll like it!

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